Belzebong - [2011] Sonic Scapes & Weedy Grooves
Ho-ly-shit. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.
I struggle to find words that can do justice in describing Belzebong's 'Sonic Scapes & Weedy Grooves'. Lured into a false sense of security by the first few seconds of the opening track, you're soon to have your head pummeled into your toes, your toes pummeled into your arse, and your arse pummeled into a fine paste. The distortion on the guitars (and bass) sounds like a motherfucking chainsaw, carving its way through your body.
Dem riffs. DEM FUCKING RIFFS. Even if you don't like marijuana, if you like groovy, spacious, and heavy music, you will love this band. If you like marijuana, you will fucking love this band.
The artwork for this band is awesome too.
Check out the album art in high resolution, and this badass piece of art in super high res.
Stream the entire album for free on Bandcamp.
Follow them on Facebook for any updates (they mentioned plans for vinyl).
Download it here.